"After suffering with back pain since my twenties I cannot tell you the difference attending Surrey Pain Clinic has made to my life and wellbeing. Although I have had operations and treatment before, the holistic approach the clinic uses with physiotherapy, group meetings and appointments with cklinivcal psychologists really helped me deal with my pain on a different level."
"I can't think you and the team at the Pain Clinic enough for making it possible for me to sleep all night, and therefore making my life normal again."
Kyrsytyna, November 2018
"I suffered acute HNP pain 18 months after a bout of shingles. The pain had become worse during this time and oral and topical lotions did little to change things. In fact some of the side effects from medication wrte unpleasant.
I was frankly at my wits end dealing with this when I was lucky to be selected for the Pain Clinic.
I immediately felt drawn to the physio and hypnosis elements and having also gained a better appreciation of the neuro causes and control of my pain.
Having completed the course I am now experiencing less paon and last night was a landmark as I slept through the night for the first time in 18 months with no meds whatsoever.
I am so grateful and trust other will benefit."
Pete, November 2018
"I would just like to say thank you for the classes. Both my body and mind have benefited, I have also been having CBT which I finished this Saturday, and its because of these hypnotherapy sessions that has helped my anxiety and pain and also allows me to have my first holiday for over a decade."
Dave, October 2018